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SK Planet

ESG Framework

ESG Framework

SK Planet is committed to enhancing corporate value through Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) management, with the goal of becoming a sustainable company. To achieve this, we have implemented the following ESG framework that leverages advanced technologies to create economic value while making positive contributions to our stakeholders and society.

VISION - Achievement of sustainable growth through ESG Management
VISION - Achievement of sustainable growth through ESG Management - Composed of GOAL - E(Environment) : Environmental Sustainability , GOAL - S(Social) : Creation of Social Value ,GOAL - G(Governance) : Enhancing Transparency
GOAL - E(Environment) : Environmental Sustainability ACTION : 1. Dedicated to reducing carbon emissions and minimizing waste production. 2. Utilize energy-efficient technologies in our office spaces and actively promote environmental awareness among our stakeholders, including our employees. 3. Adhere to legal requirements and enhance transparency through clear and open information disclosure.
GOAL - S(Social) : Creation of Social Value ACTION : 1. In alignment with human rights management principles, we uphold our social responsibilities by fostering a diverse and healthy work environment, and advancing employee growth and welfare. 2. Implement robust human rights grievance mechanisms and comprehensive safety and health policies. 3. Address social challenges and support community development through initiatives such as employing individuals with disabilities and supporting social enterprises.
GOAL - G(Governance) : Enhancing Transparency ACTION : 1. Strengthen ethical management to ensure transparency, accountability, and ethical behavior within the organization, in accordance with the principles of SKMS 2. Pursue sustainable well-being, balanced growth between the company and its stakeholders, improved risk management processes, and strict compliance with laws and regulations 3. Promote ethical behavior and integrity by identifying and preventing misconduct through educational programs, internal reporting system, and regular audits.

SK Planet is dedicated to shaping a sustainable future through continuous innovation and by valuing the input of diverse stakeholders. We sincerely appreciate your ongoing interest and support in our committed efforts.